First-- the socks, of course. I realized something today, er. I made the heel of the left foot half as long as it should have been. Very very stupid of me. I'm annoyed. It explains why the sock lays a little weird. But it is what it is-- and it still fits, miraculously, so I'll just have to repeat the mistake on the right foot. I reached the heel today, so I'm like a third done with the second sock-- since the foot takes a while. All in all though, I've definitely done these socks a LOT faster than I thought.
Second: the gloves. So pretty. I finished the thumb:
Third: I'm knitting a scarf for Shannon's fall collection, a lace pattern with bobbles. Never done bobbles before cause I'm not such a huge fan, I think they're kind of old-ladyish, but I guess they could be cool. The yarn is knit sideways, which means instead of hundreds of short rows going up, it's a few dozen very very long rows going sideways. I cast on 306 stitches. I only did five rows today so I'm not quite sure how it's going to look.
And I even have a fourth project lined up: laptop bag! I finally bought the yarn today. I had been deliberating over indigo blue/ivory, and various shades of pink, but then I realized I ALWAYS go for the same colors and I decided to branch out into an entirely new color family that I almost never use: earthy foresty tones. Here's the yarn- 7 skeins of Cascade 220:
Forest green, lime green, and brown. The brown looks kinda purpley in the picture but it's a nice deep brown. I'm excited! I really never use these colors. Plus, I got the yarn for $1.13!!! That's right! Sweet deal, huh? Each skein is something like $6.85 so the total value is almost $50... mwah ha ha! I used the gift card from the customer, and the owner gave me a discount-- so the total that I paid was a buck!! SWEEEET!
PLUS-- an amazing opportunity! The owner, Liz, asked if I would be interested in coming to help them out when they come to New York for a VogueKnitting show in January. I was like YES PLEASE! I'd get paid to go to an incredible three day knitting event. I really hope it works out because it sounds like SO much fun!! It's pretty far into the future admittedly, but hopefully Liz will contact me as the time comes. Hooray!
So, it was a good day.
And ALSO, yesterday Shannon gave Sarah Jo and I sock blanks. What is a sock blank, you ask? Well, I did not know either until yesterday! It's a piece of flat knitting, kind of like a scarf, which comes to you undyed, and then you dye it however you want, and then you knit your project from the yarn, unraveling the blank as you go! It results in really cool colorways! Shannon had a few dyed blanks so we each got one, and I'm going to use it for the Twists and Turns socks.
I (heart) knitting.
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