Every knitter has these projects. Stuff that you started months ago, put down and never picked up again. It's boring or it's old or the yarn isn't cool. For whatever reason, you've lost interest. I have a few of these. The oldest is this:
It's one of eleven loong, 67" strips that will one day (hopefully) all add up to an afghan. I'm working on it with my nana. Like eight of the eleven are done, but this is the fourth year of the project and we haven't finished. I started this particular strip maybe two years ago. Maybe a year and a half. I had ALMOST FINISHED it when I unrolled it and realized that I had knit the pattern backwards for the past fourteen inches. So the pattern was on the wrong side. I had to rip it all out. After that I really lost momentum and stopped working on it except once every few months. I now have a deadline: the end of the semester, so around May. By then I'm supposed to have finished this strip and started another one. But I have no interest in it anymore.

This is a more recent project. I started it over my winter break, about a month or two ago. I was really excited about it because I'm using this cool recycled yarn made out of plastic bottles and I love the color and feel of it. Plus, I like the pattern-- it's interesting to knit, looks complex but is actually pretty simple. It will eventually be a scarf for me. However, after putting it down a few weeks ago, I never picked it back up and now when I look at it I feel nothing except dread at the fact that I have almost an entire skein to go before it's the appropriate length.

Most recent of all. A relative commissioned a pair of leg warmers. I found some patterns but ultimately decided to make it up as I went. Pretty simple right? K1, p1 rib for two inches, then stockinette for about a foot, then another two inches of ribbing, worked in the round. But it's so boring. And I think it's too big. In fact, I was so convinced of this that I ripped the whole thing out and started again. So basically it will take even longer.
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