So it's not a great picture of the hat, there's a bit more focus on the boy wearing it, but you can see the interest. I made it with eight diagonal stripes which, as I decreased for the crown, turned into a swirly whirly at the top. He requested the obnoxious color pattern, so I'm not to blame if you've gone blind. It's a pretty cool hat. It took me about a week to make, and it was a challenge because I only had a 29" circular needle!!! For everyone who knows what I'm talking about, you understand what a hassle it was. I had to constantly pull the plastic tube out through the knitting and leave it in a big empty loop because the tube was simply way too long for the hat. However, I got through it. I used the carry-along technique, which I was skeptical about because it doesn't always make a nice flat fabric, but it ended up very smooth and it is double-warm because of the extra layer of yarn on the inside. He likes it.
Otherwise, I haven't gotten too much knitting done in Israel, though I have learned how to crochet kippas (head covering Jewish men wear):
It was actually my second attempt. The first was so pitiful that I had to rip it all out and start again. There is no photographic evidence, but it was bad. Unfortunately, the person for whom this kippa was made lost it after about three weeks. Why I then made him a hat is baffling even to me.